In June of 1988 my life was changed forever by the death of a good friend. One of my classmates and friends was murdered. His name was Keith Blaylock he was a sweet kind person. His death effected all of us in different ways. One of the saddest ways it effected me was the fact that I realized that we were no longer children, we were thrust into adulthood. My wonderful image of our small town life was tarnished. We all mourned Keiths senseless death. The papers were filled with details of a robbery and murder of our dear friend, who's body was dumped on one side of town and his truck parked on the other side of town, a bank deposit missing. It sounded more like a movie plot that real life in our community.
I am telling you all this to say that in yesterday's Mineral Wells Index there was an article stating that there has been a positive DNA match on some of the evidence found in Keith's truck.
The DNA points to another former schoolmate Brian Davis, who is currently sitting on Death Row for a 1991 murder in Houston. I am saddened to learn that it was someone Keith knew and grew up going to school with.
Since they hadn't found the killer for all these years I had always thought they had given up on the case. The article indicates that Davis has been a suspect from the beginning. Davis' prior Death Penalty has been overturned. Now the Mineral Wells & Palo Pinto authorities are going to trial in Houston this week hoping to reinstate the death penalty. The case will also be brought to the Palo Pinto County Grand Jury after the current Harris County trial in hopes they will return a murder indictment in the 1988 Murder of Keith Blaylock.
My prayer is that justice prevails and that the Blaylock family gets the closure they deserve.
If you would like to read the article you may go to the article was published 2/22/2011 It is titled Seeking Justice
5 days ago