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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Small changes make a big difference.

I have to admit it is fun for people I have known for years to notice I am loosing weight. Today I am wearing a hot pink sweater set that a friend gave me. It is an extra large not a 2X ! I am also wearing a necklace that I quit wearing about a year ago because it was too tight on my neck.

Yesterday as I walked out of the dressing room at the gym I met my niece Ashlei. She had just joined the gym. I ask her if she wanted to work out with me. So off we went to find my trainer Bethany.

First off Bethany had us to jog around the parking lot. Then we raced up the parking lot & walked back. My competitive spirit kicked in, I couldn’t let my 24 year old niece beat me. So I ran my hardest.

Then we went back in the gym to do some squats and leg work. We had a blast and the time just flew by.

Then it was time to play catch with the bubba ball. I loved watching Ashlei try to get that ball over the bar. Here she is 24 years old and about 4 inches taller than me and 60 lbs lighter. She is in great shape and I realized that it was hard for everyone not just me. It made me feel so much better about what I can now do.

I have not had a coke since September 9th!  I feel like I have really accomplished something, I am making positive changes in my life. I know that without the Lord none of this would be possible.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

PS.  Today is the day I get to meet Ali from Biggest Loser!  I will post pictures tomorrow