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Monday, October 18, 2010

Size 16!

Some of may not think a size 16 is anything special. But when you have been wearing a 18 or 20 it is a wonderful accomplishment.  The scales may not be showing big losses but I am wearing smaller pants.

I am really enjoying my more active life. I decided to ride my mountain bike on Friday afternoon. Elizabeth was on her bike and I was on mine with Becca and our dog Cookie running along with us. This sounded so good at the time but about a quarter of a mile into our adventure Becca was tired and we had to turn around.   Not to mention the fact that it was getting dark and  the stupid dog kept stopping in front of me.  I nearly had a wreck several times.

This afternoon I plan to chain  the dog and then run off from all of them and try my best to get in a good workout.   We have over 200 acres for me to explore just like Brian and I did when we were kids.  I am really looking forward. 

 If I get to tired Wade can always come in the truck to rescue me.